Sunday, June 28, 2009

Home and Away Again

My mom's wanted me to do "one last update" for a few weeks now. I'm leaving for jamaica in a few days and I was reading my former/future roommate's blog because she's already there, so I decided to finally post something. I don't know if it'll be an update or if it'll be my last post. I don't want Uganda to be over. I hope it continues to affect me. Maybe. It'd probably be easier if it didn't.

Life's been...good. And less not so good. But such is life, I guess. I spent the last two weeks at summer camp with my church's junior high and then high school ministry. It was pretty awesome. I was totally exhausted after and kinked out about 20 minutes after getting home from HS camp on Friday night...around 8 pm. It was totally awesome. I started doing respite care (like babysitting for kids with developmental disorders). It's good...and government funded so I get paid way more than I'd ever charge for babysitting. I'm a cheap babysitter, because I mostly just like doing it. My church did VBS a few weeks ago and that was fun. I was in charge of games for the preschoolers. The games are all related to the Bible lessons for each day so every day I was supposed to connect the game with the lesson...I forgot about that part quite often. Oops. But I figured it didn't matter that much anyways. The kids didn't listen all that much, but they did love the games. So did I.

Um...I haven't seen my best friends nearly as much as I want to. I re-addicted myself to The Sims. The person who's asked me the most about Uganda is my little sister's friend, who asked...weird/uninformed/unintelligent questions. I'm going to be on student leadership for women's discipleship at my school next year. I have a devotional published in a book. I miss Uganda. Anytime I think about or remember it. Mostly I try to stay distracted, which hasn'y been difficult the past few weeks because of how busy I've been. This upcoming week might be harder. I've heard that Jamaica is similar to Uganda in a lot of ways and different in a lot of ways too. It's probably a lot more different than I'm expecting.

I'm...okay. Mostly good. Still assimilating too much. Maybe I'll work on integrating soon.

I'm not going to do a "last post." I don't want to tie up loose ends. My loose ends aren't tied up. I hope they're not at least. Vaya con Dios.