Thursday, March 10, 2011

Til I see Your face, see it shining through

I want to graduate so badly. I'm having a hard time with this last semester and being...present, I guess. I think so much about the future, about living in AZ and finding a job and getting an apartment that I can't enjoy the time I have here and now. I feel like I no longer have any friends; I only really talk to my roommates and the people in my classes. It's like...well, I'm not going to be here in 4 months and you can't keep all your friends from college anyways, so why try? Sometimes, I am ridiculous.
I'm also basically incapable of doing homework. I'm typing and doing so well on a paper...and then suddenly I'm on Facebook and I don't even know how it happened. I tend to go for a reward system with myself and homework, like I get to get dinner after I finish this section or this assignment, I get to check Facebook, I get to watch The Office. It's pretty effective, except when the lazy part of my brain takes over and forcibly drags me away from doing homework without me realizing.
I really like Elisabeth Elliot. I wish we could have been friends. Except she would not approve of my laziness.
Um...I don't really have anything else to say. I'm bored. And sleepy. Too tired  for homework (obviously) but not tired enough for sleep.  I'll go read instead.

Vaya con Dios.

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