Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Echoes of Eden, reflections of what we were created for

Community worship this morning went really well. We opened with a description of USP – who we are and why we’re here, 4 songs (Days of Elijah, My Redeemer Lives, Still, Create in Me a Clean Heart), and some prayers. They like the long prayers. Then we had the drama to “In the End” by Linkin Park. The basic point of the skit is that it doesn’t matter how hard you try to master or conquer your sins, you have to let them go to get to Jesus. There’s two sinners and one finally lets go of the chains the demons use to hold them back. The other tries and struggles, but won’t just let go. At the end of the song, the demons pull her back and wrap the chains (or ropes in our case) around her more, then push her onto her knees and she fell over onto the ground. It’s really powerful. The audience clapped when Geoff (the first sinner) let go and got to Jesus. Our actors did amazing. Then we had a Scripture reading and message from Ephesians 5:18-23, about God’s redemption and his desire to bring us to Him and give us so much more.
We had some more prayers and then another skit-type deal. It was “Cardboard Testimonies.” On one side each person wrote a sin or something you struggle with and on the other, how God has redeemed you. Some of them were pride, lying, sexual immorality, peer pressure, etc. Mine said “I didn’t know that I am valuable…God has shown me my worth.” It was a little frightening to stand up there with the sign in front of me. Moreso that the other USP students would see, because I actually know and talk to them and maybe I don’t want them to know about my issues. I don’t know many UCU students so that wasn’t as big of a deal. We closed with ‘Amazing Grace.’ Afterwards, a woman came up and told me that she’s struggled with the same thing but I’m precious to God and He has an awesome plan for me. It was really cool.
Overall, it went really well. It was awesome. I’m very introspective or thoughtful or whatever sometimes, especially when I have a lot of time alone s I’ve been thinking a lot. Not really about a lot of specific things, just about…myself. My view of myself and of others and of God. So, you know…nothing serious. I really love the “Days of Elijah” song. It’s so…triumphant. I hadn’t heard it before I came here, although many of the other students have.
I have loved my time here. I’m learning a lot and sometimes the time alone is good. I really miss everyone at home and I want to see my family, my friends, junior highers, Rusty, Becky and Charlotte…but I’m leaving so soon. My time here just started. And it’s already ¾ over. In about a month and 4 days, I’m leaving Uganda. I don’t know if I’ll come back either. I hope I can. I hope I keep in touch with some of the girls here. I’m going to miss them once I leave.
God’s really amazing, you know?

Behold, he comes,
riding on a cloud,
shining like the sun,
at the trumpet call.
Left your voice;
it’s the year of Jubilee.
Out of Zion’s hill,
salvation comes.

Vaya con Dios.

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